Repositories are tools for collecting, managing, disseminating, preserving, and redistributing the content of participating institutions in an open access and interoperable manner.

MACO (Catalan Open Academic Monographs): This repository showcase books from publishing institutions in Catalonia and provides the infrastructure and expertise to these institutions to publish digitally and openly.

RDR (Research Data Repository): A federated and multidisciplinary data repository that enables Catalan universities, CERCA research centers, and other research entities to publish research datasets in FAIR mode, adhering to the guidelines of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC).

RECERCAT (Research Repository of Catalonia): This repository makes available to society literature research done at universities and research centers in Catalonia. It includes articles, research works, final projects, congress talks, reports, working papers, etc.

TDX (Theses and Dissertations Online): Official repository, established by the Interuniversity Council of Catalonia (CIC), to deposit doctoral theses defended and approved in Catalonia, to comply with the Royal Decree 99/2011.