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Catalonia approved in 2020 the National Pact for the Knowledge Society (PN@SC), a country agreement to move Catalonia towards the future and become a leader in innovation with a knowledge-based economy.

The Pact includes the agreement to promote a Catalan open science strategy that covers: open access to scientific publications, FAIR publication of data, the creation of new infrastructures to integrate the resources of the Catalan research system into the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) and the research and responsible innovation policies.

Science Act 9/2022, approved unanimously on December 21, 2022, by the Parliament of Catalonia plans to formulate its own open science policy regarding the agents of the research system, development, and innovation of the Public Sector, which is compatible and comparable to that of the most advanced countries. Article 79 outlines the axes of the abovementioned policy:

  • Open access to scientific publications. The objective is that all publications of the Catalan research system that have been financed with public funds go immediate open access in a publishing platform, repository, journal, or book.
  • Management of research data with the objective to publish data as open as possible and following the FAIR principles, guaranteeing their preservation and reuse, and developing good management practices.
  • The availability of infrastructures for open science through the improvement of the existing ones and the creation of news ones. It responds to the need of integrating the resources of the research system, development, and innovation within the ecosystem of the European Open Science Cloud.
  • Capacities and competencies to guarantee that anyone in the research, development and innovation system is trained in the principles of open science.
  • Incentives and rewards based not only on the publication of results, but also on the activities carried out throughout the research cycle aimed to promoting the principles of open science.
  • Open knowledge to society, seeking to connect with society, and making them participate actively, competently, and responsibly in research and innovation activities.