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This website, with DNS address, is property of Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC), with tax number CIF Q-5856253-I and with registered address at C. Gran Capità, 2 (Edifici Nexus), E-08034 Barcelona.

The portal contributes to open science as it collects information, services, links of interest and activities related to open science in Catalonia.

The objectives of this website are as follows:

  • Increase the positioning, visibility and impact of the research done in Catalonia.
  • Offer a joint management of the portals that give access to the research activity under the image of CORA (Catalan Open Research Area).
  • Comply with the European transparency guidelines regarding research.

CORA/CSUC will not be responsible for the use of its information by users, nor for any damages suffered or economic losses which, directly or indirectly, produce or may produce economic, material damages to data caused by the use of the reused information.

Accessing to portals of research activities in Catalonia through CORA does not change the author’s rights of texts or datasets, the institution they belong to or their publishers. Should any question arise in relation to publications, do not hesitate to contact their authors or the institution they belong to. In the event of not having information on publishing agreements, data may only be used in accordance with intellectual property regulations.

Data and any other personal information accessible via CORA are disseminated for the purpose of knowledge transfer, scientific dissemination and promotion of research and teaching. These purposes justify their collection and subsequent processing.

CORA/CSUC will not be responsible of the veracity, integrity or updating of the information published on the website from sources outside it, and it will not assume responsibility for hypothetical damages that may arise from the use of said information.


If you think that some information or text infringes your rights, you should contact Procedures and Management, with the corresponding form duly completed to:

Data controller
Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC)
c/ Gran Capità, 2 (Edifici Nexus)
E-08034 Barcelona

Data Protection Chief
Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC)
c/ Gran Capità, 2 (Edifici Nexus)
E-08034 Barcelona

For any other question, you should contact the institution that provides this information or CSUC.